Corporate Social Responsibility
Every corporate activity bases its success on keeping pace and evolving integrally with society and its needs, while having the obligation to listen to it and direct part of its development in areas and social structures that need support.
The above is a well-established belief for all of us at Myrtaly Congress and goes beyond the simple reciprocity of acceptance and support we enjoy, constituting a way of life around how we perceive our role in our society as a company, but also as active citizens.
Myrtaly Congress since its inception, aims to offer. In this context, it develops social actions focusing on raising public awareness on medical and other issues.
Social Actions
- Breast Cancer awareness event Καρκίνο του Μαστού
- Teddy Bear Afternoon Tea για καλό σκοπό
- Donation to the Pramanta Health Center
- Donation to the Public Vocational Institute of Ioannina of a cheese packaging machine (July 2021)
- Δωρεά απινιδωτή στο Κέντρο Υγείας Βουτσαρά
- Ημερίδα Ενημέρωσης και Ευαισθητοποίησης για τον Καρκίνο του Μαστού
- Teddy Bear Afternoon Tea (Vol II) «Νύχτα Θαυμάτων»

Myrtaly Congress in the special issue of the "Naftemporiki" newspaper on "CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"!